PacMan Instructions
Create a screen like the one below
You will need to hatch 5 turtles. Name one of them Roger and the other four
Munch1, Munch2, Munch3 and Munch4 and give the Munchies the shape of a bee
(or you could be creative and give them other shapes)
Give Roger the instruction: keycontrol and select Many
Give the Munchies the instruction:
towards "roger repeat 50 [fd random
( score + 2 ) check]
and select Many Times
Hatch another 5 turtles and give them the shapes of flowers and position
them as in the screen above.
Give them the instruction: if touching? "t2 "Roger [setscore score
+ 1 ht]
Where t2 is the flowers name, so t2 will need to be changed to t3 if the flowers
name is t3. And select Many Times
Give the background colour the instruction: bk 5 rt random 360
Create New_Game and End_Game buttons and a slider called Score
Enter the procedures shown below and then test your game. The object of the game is to gather as many flowers as possible before the bees get you.
to startup
Roger, setsh 0
to New_Game
setscore 0
everyone [st clickon]
to positions
Roger, setpos [19 10]
setsh 0
seth 0
Munch1, setpos [-258 89]
Munch2, setpos [-265 -124]
Munch3, setpos [79 -123]
Munch4, setpos [136 90]
to keycontrol
Roger, getchoice
if :answer = "i [fd (score + 5)]
if :answer = "l [rt 15]
if :answer = "j [lt 15]
to getchoice
make "answer readchar
to check
if touching? who "Roger [Roger, setsh "deadRoger wait
10 announce [game over] stopall]
if score = 5 [announce [You have completed level 1] setscore 6
everyone [st] positions]
if score = 10 [announce [winner]]
to End_Game
everyone [clickoff]
Created by Geoff Adcock
Last Update: